Your specialist's Overall skill points are increased by 5.
Can be obtained from [World Boss Box] (0.1% chance)
Decrease enemy elemental resistances by 20.
Can be obtained from [P7 World Boss Box] (0.1% chance)
All attacks are increased by 100.
Can be obtained at [Lord Draco Raid] (0.1% chance)
All defences are increased by 100.
Can be obtained at [Glacerus Raid] (0.1% chance)
Increases fairy's element by 12.
Can be obtained at [Laurena Raid] (0.1% chance)
Maximum HP is increased by 4500.
Can be obtained at [Mother Cuby Raid] (0.1% chance)
Movement speed is increased by 2.
Can be obtained at [Ginseng Raid] (0.1% chance)
Increases Fame received by 20%.
Can be obtained at [Dark Castra Raid] (0.1% chance)
All attacks are increased by 7%.
Can be obtained at [Slade Raid] (0.1% chance)
All defences are increased by 7%.
Can be obtained at [Giant Spider Raid] (0.1% chance)
Increases Gold earned by 20%.
Can be obtained at [Ibrahim Raid] (0.1% chance)
Reduces damage received in PvP by 10%.
Can be obtained at [Kertos Raid] (0.1% chance)
Increases PvP attack power by 10%.
Can be obtained at [Valakus Raid] (0.1% chance)
Raid damage is increased by 20%.
Can be obtained at [Grenias Raid] (0.1% chance)
Provides a 10% chance to increase attack power by 35%.
Can be obtained at [Erenia Raid] (0.1% chance)
Chance to get Double Box after finishing a Raid is increased by 10%.
Can be obtained at [Zenas Raid] (0.1% chance)
Reduces cooldown of skills by 10%.
Can be obtained at [Fernon Raid] (0.1% chance)
Damage from critical hits is reduced by 50%.
Can be obtained at [Carno Raid] (0.1% chance)
Probability to receive critical hits is decreased by 15%.
Can be obtained at [Kirollas Raid] (0.1% chance)
Your specialist's elemental skill points are increased by 5.
Can be obtained at [Belial Raid] (0.1% chance)
Your specialist's attack skill points are increased by 5.
Can be obtained at [Paimon Raid] (0.1% chance)