Fortune Wheel Rotation [28/07/2024]
P7 World Boss Box x4

P7 World Boss Box x4
Random Fairy Box

There's a 10% chance to get any Fernon fairy.
There's a 70% to get any (Erenia/Zenas) fairy.
Baby Raptor Blue

Chance to get Double World Boss Box is increased by 15%.
Fortune Bushtail

There's a 5% chance that it drops the item a second time.
Increases Gold earned by 10%.

Increases PvP attack power by 15%.
Increases damage from critical hits by 60%.
Hitrate is increased by 320.
Honeybee Wings

Raid Damage is increased by 8%.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
Tree Wings

Raid Damage is increased by 25%.
Damage dealt to prestige monsters is increased by 20%.
Celestial Spire Damage is increased by 35%.