NosReaper is an International Server, so the main language is English, you can speak in any language but ONLY English on Speakers.
You can only have 2 account online at the same time.
You can only play with 1 character on special activities. (AoT, RBB, Caligor)
If you are playing with more people in your house, you will need to notify the team via ticket. Otherwise it will be counted +2 acc, and you may get a punishment.
Harassment, racism, homophobic comments and insults are strictly prohibited.
NosReaper Team is not responsible for the player's behavior outside the community and game.
Treat everyone as you would like to be treated.
Scam is totally prohibited. Scamming means any attempt to use other players for your own advantage.
Steal is totally prohibited. Steal includes lend item to other people and don't get it back.
You may not spam. Spamming includes send the same or similar message several times.
Trash talking in any language is not allowed and may be punished.
You can lend your account under your responsibility. Lend means Lend, not sell.
You can't own maps, maps are for everybody, all people can farm on the same map but respecting mobs from other players.
Steal mobs from other players is prohibited.
You may not abuse of $unstuck command while PvP.
You have at least 1 week to appeal for your ban.
Trash talking in any language is not allowed and may be punished.
The bad usage of marketplace channels may lead you to a punishment.
It is extrictly prohibited to send any kind of NSFW content.
All in-game behavior rules will be valid on discord behavior rules.
You cannot adversite any other p-server.
Players cannot block party when farming.
You must reply to any staff while farming otherwise you will be treated like a bot.
Exploiting bugs is prohibited, you should report on #bugs channel.
Any use of macros to farm AFK will lead you to a permanent ban.
Using your partner/pet to farm AFK will lead you to a permanent ban.
Using any Hack/Bot/Packetlogger will lead you to a permanent ban.
You wont be able to appeal for your ban if you got banned for any of the rules of this section.
Selling/Buying accounts for money/gold/coins/items from this or any other server will be considered as RWT.
Selling/Buying items for money/gold/coins/items from this or any other server will be considered as RWT.
The act of trying to buy/sell accounts or items will be considered as RWT.
Helping, advertise or acting as the Middleman will be considered as RWT.
You wont be able to appeal for your ban if you got banned for any of the rules of this section.
NosReaper team will judge every proof cautiously. Proofs include Private Discord, Whatsapp, Facebook, EPvP... chats and videos.
Faking RTW proofs is totally prohibited.